10..9..8..7..6..5..4..3..2..1..SCREAMS! Happy New Year! This is how i would have liked it to happen. But no with my luck it had to be something extreme. So here is how it really occurred...We all began the countdown and then screams!! but mine was not of joy but of pain. Right at the stroke of twelve i rolled my ankle! yay what a way to begin the new year. Well I'm sure your all thinking that i quietly spent the rest of the night on a chair being careful with it...nah! after about 5 minuets of waiting i got back up and danced. Am i not smart or what?! Well, about 3 o'clock in the morning i couldn't stand it any longer and resulted to drugs. It was fabulous :)
Well Happy New Year to everyone! And Happy Birthday to my sister, Priscilla! She looked wonderful last night at the dance. The guys were a little intimidated (that is a good thing in my book) and she was beautiful!
By the way, i cut my hair again. It is, once again, a very short haircut. If any of you are thinking, "Oh great! she looks like a guy again" I just want to say that, yes that may be true but i cant help myself! I get in that chair and am so curious as too what i could do with my hair that i just let the stylist do whatever she wants. No judgements please...i just say life's short and then you die. Might as well be gutsy and try new things :)
Lately Ive been thinking about i want to major in and my dad suggested journalism. It actually sounded intriguing until i realized that i would probably be murdered in my bed for stating my opinion TOO bluntly and not being careful about what i say. Then i was thinking about doing the theatre road. That would entail never having a stable income and a guaranteed chaotic life. Lastly there is politics. First off i would probably have to become a liar and that doesn't fly with my dad, or me for that matter. Consequently, I'm at an impasse. But not too fear i still have a little time left! :)
Once again Happy New Year! Be careful! Don't do anything dumb, be kind and enjoy life!
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