Sincerely, Lani
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Another quote.
For all the Conservatives out there this is for you. If you are not a conservative don't let this offend you.
Sincerely, Lani
Sincerely, Lani
Monday, April 26, 2010
Little quote
“Sure God created man before woman, but then again you always make a rough draft before creating the final masterpiece.”
This is brilliant!ACT
Well...i will not be telling any of you what the results were for the ACT. Lets just say that i will be taking it again in June. Happy Day! I guess i am just grateful that i didn't get a worse score. Life is good, family is great...i went on a date Saturday? It was fun. We went to the mall and did some sort of scavenger hunt. The other couple we went with were weird. Oh well, it happens.
Sarah got "fake" fingernails today in honor of the upcoming senior prom. She says she loves them but i told her to just wait...its only a matter of time before her pocket book starts hurting from all the needed fillings. EXPENSIVE! They look really nice but i think that i would become claustrophobic while wearing them. To each their own i say. By the way the book entitled, The Scarlet Letter is my new favorite book. Its like sexy in an Old English type way. Read it.
Sarah got "fake" fingernails today in honor of the upcoming senior prom. She says she loves them but i told her to just wait...its only a matter of time before her pocket book starts hurting from all the needed fillings. EXPENSIVE! They look really nice but i think that i would become claustrophobic while wearing them. To each their own i say. By the way the book entitled, The Scarlet Letter is my new favorite book. Its like sexy in an Old English type way. Read it.
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
AP tests
AP season is here!! yay. Actually no not really. This year i will be taking the AP Gov test and possible the AP Lang. I am trying to be positive. :) I have a great teacher (which is extremely helpful) Mr G. or Gilchrist or GILLY!! He is the best! Also, there is this guy in a lot of classes who knows how to hack into the new I-Pad and do stuff to it and other technical devices (i am not sure what yet, i will ask). I think it is really illegal but it was very intriguing. I want to learn more. :) So about the AP tests they are really hard. I am not going to lie. The AP US test didn't go so well...hehe oops. I am planning on doing some serious studying for the AP Gov. Although Government is much easier than AP US test. There is less materials to cover and the content is easier to comprehend. There is also very few dates to remember...which is a bonus.
Sunday, April 11, 2010
more pictures.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Birthday, ACT, date, opera house...CRAZY!
Long time no talk. My life has been amazingly crazy. I made it into another play. Midsummer's Night Dream. That will be interesting. I had my 17th birthday on conference weekend and on Easter. It was a very spiritual day! I pretended that the prophet was waving happy birthday to me at the end. My dad says that its all in my head...and it very well might be. I received a lot of books for my birthday and am enjoying reading them. Also, Yesterday i went on a date to the opera house. We say Little House on the Prairie. The Ma was Melissa Gilbert. They all did a great job but my favorite part was the boy i went with. His name is Makade Claypool and he is the most sweetest, strongest, amazing guys i know. We both hung out right by the orchestra pit and talked and talked. Hes a different guy...He plays football (varsity) and yet it was just in a musical called Brigadoon. He was Mr. Lundie and he totally reminded me of my grandpa. We talked about what we want to be someday and he wants to be some neurosurgeon thingy. Once he told me that i clarified that i am going to marry him. We also went with his parents and they are SO MUCH FUN! It was a fabulous date and i am so grateful for good priesthood holders that actually take girls out on dates instead of saying, "hey aaahhh do you want to ahh hang out?" Sorry boys, thats what you sound like.
Ok, so i took the ACT today. Here is the low down. I got home at around 11:30 last night from the most amazing date ever. (this was completely against the ACT booklets suggestions..."get a good nights sleep and eat lots of breakfast..." NOPE not me!I think i ate an old piece of pizza for breakfast. I went with some of my friends to Ferris High School. Let me just say that at CV we are very privileged. That school was a dump. I froze throughout the test. The reading and writing went excellent. I knew all the answers and i felt like it was easy. The math? not so much. It was a lot more difficult than i thought and i had to guess in a lot of the questions. Dont get my started on the science. I pretty much just gave up reading all the scenarios. I looked at the question and said, "that seems logical" and then marked it. In the end, i am grateful that it is over with and i am very grateful that i can take it again! Also, i am thinking about taking the SAT because i very much so dislike science and i stink at it.
Ok, so i took the ACT today. Here is the low down. I got home at around 11:30 last night from the most amazing date ever. (this was completely against the ACT booklets suggestions..."get a good nights sleep and eat lots of breakfast..." NOPE not me!I think i ate an old piece of pizza for breakfast. I went with some of my friends to Ferris High School. Let me just say that at CV we are very privileged. That school was a dump. I froze throughout the test. The reading and writing went excellent. I knew all the answers and i felt like it was easy. The math? not so much. It was a lot more difficult than i thought and i had to guess in a lot of the questions. Dont get my started on the science. I pretty much just gave up reading all the scenarios. I looked at the question and said, "that seems logical" and then marked it. In the end, i am grateful that it is over with and i am very grateful that i can take it again! Also, i am thinking about taking the SAT because i very much so dislike science and i stink at it.
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